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Olympioničky pózujú v spodnej bielizni. Kampaň sa nevyhla kritike

Svet bojuje s pandémiou koronavírusu a ohrozené sú aj olympijské hry v Tokiu. Práve najväčší športový sviatok poslúžil ako inšpirácia pre jedného z najexkluzívnejších výrobcov spodnej bielizne Agent Provocateur v novej kampani. Jarno-letnú kolekciu s mottom Hrajte, aby ste vyhrali, predstavil prostredníctvom štyroch športovkýň.

19.03.2020 10:21

Značka chcela poukázať na krásu športu a ženského tela i na to, že modely môže nosiť a cítiť sa v nich komfortne každá žena. V kampani vystupujú kanadská skokanka o žrdi Alysha Newmanová, britská gymnastka Georgia Mae-Fentonová a dve Američanky – prekážkarka Queen Clayová a športová lezkyňa Sasha Digiulianová.

Nie každého však myšlienka uchvátila. Kanadská bežkyňa Sage Watsonová napísala, že jej láme srdce, keď vidí, ako sú športovkyne naďalej prezentované ako sexuálny objekt. Negatívna skúsenosť sa jej spája s OH v Riu.

„Ľudí nezaujímalo, že som sa prebojovala do olympijského semifinále, ale to, ako kameraman snímal môj zadok. Bola to pre mňa jedna z najhorších skúseností,“ napísala na sociálnej sieti.

Kvarteto športovkýň si však z kritiky zjavne nič nerobí a pózovanie si užilo. „Ak nie teraz, tak kedy?! Ak nebudeme posúvať limity, lámať bariéry a očakávania, bude nás to len držať ďaleko od nášho skutočného ja. Ako žena a športovkyňa lámem bariéry celý život a táto kampaň mi umožnila ukázať inú stránku krásy toho, že som ženou,“ uviedla jedna z tvári kampane Newmanová.

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If not now, then when?! If we don’t push limits, break barriers and expectations, it will do nothing but hold us back from our true selves! As a woman and an athlete, I have been breaking barriers my entire life and this campaign “Play To Win” allowed me to show another side of the beauty of being a woman! Being apart of the #AgentProvocateur family, I can not express how honoured and thankful I am! This empowering campaign is out NOW, go check it out on @agentprovocateur. None of this would be possible without the wonderful @sarah_shotton_ and @charlottemwales!❤️We can’t forget the other queens who shared this incredible experience with me ! You three inspire me like no other! @goqueengo, @_gmfenton,and @sashadigiulian #WePlayToWin

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Alysha Newman Oly (@alyshanewman),

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Not my average outfit for climbing, but - why not? This campaign shoot was totally outside of my comfort zone. Normally when I refer to pushing personal boundaries, it has to do with taking new risks and doing something new. Traditionally for me, that pertains to climbing. While on the surface this may seem silly to say, but this experience was exactly that. Doing something that totally intimidated me and made me feel anxious, excited, and on the edge, at once. When I first heard about the request for me to do this, I said to my team that I don’t think so. I don’t have the body confidence to pose in a lingerie ad, nor do I fully relate to stripping down for instagram. As we discussed the creative direction and I spoke with @charlottemwales and Sarah Shotton, I realized that the integrity of this concept was well beyond those surface concerns. It was about a feminist movement and about embracing new imagery in the fashion world to become more inclusive; A celebration of female power, in whatever way each women chooses to harness it. So I went for it. And I got to hang out with incredibly inspiring athletes, @goqueengo @alyshanewman @_gmfenton @suzu__soozoo and laugh about how stepping out in front of an 80+ camera crew exposed to our butts was kind of terrifying... But fun, and empowering, and liberating. So I guess the point of this message; in trying anything new, assess, question, and ultimately, follow your values. Listen to what your intuition tells you. That’s the best guide. My values on this told me that it was a cause I relate to, a challenge that would empower myself to be more confident in my own skin, and to do something new. And frankly, I feel proud about that. @agentprovocateur #agentprovocateur #weplaytowin

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa S A S H A • D I G I U L I A N (@sashadigiulian),

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