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Kobe žil v neuveriteľnom prepychu. V jeho garáži parkovali tieto autá

Jeho príjmy počas kariéry sa odhadujú na 500 miliónov amerických dolárov. Hodnota majetku, ktorú po sebe zanechal, je ešte omnoho vyššia. Kobe Bryant patril medzi najbohatších športovcov na svete.

28.01.2020 21:22
debata (25)

Počas života si užíval luxus. Hodnota jeho domu údajne ďaleko presahovala 100 miliónov dolárov. Ďalšie milióny stáli v jeho garáži. Čo všetko tam Bryant mal?

Chevrolet Impala 1963

Ferrari 458 Italia

Ferrari 430

Jeep Wrangler

Lamborghini Avendator

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Wings up . . Owner @lamborghinikhan @therealabd

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Lamborghini Aventador SVJ (@svj.aventador),

Lamborghini Murcielago

Bentley Azure Mulliner

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JUST ARRIVED. BENTLEY AZURE 2003 MULLINER CONVERTIBLE. Australian complianced with delivery 2003. This ultra-rare, last of series model Bentley Convertible has only travelled 9,700kms from new and is still in new car condition! Valid for our Australia wide 10 year warranty. This absolutely spectacular super rare handcrafted exotic convertible is unique and suits most astute buyer wanting the lowest kms 2002 Bentley Azure Mulliner for sale in Australia, is irreplaceable with only 9,700 kilometres travelled. First to see and drive this magnificent future collectable will buy immediately for only $298,990. For more information visit www.lorbek.com.au/latest-arrivals. #Bentley #BentleyAzure #Convertible #Luxurious #Collectable #ClassicCar #Rare #LuxuryLifestyle #melbournesupercars #BentleyAzureMulliner #melbournecarspotters #melbournecarscene #sydneyexotics #sydneysupercars #perthsupercars #brisbanesupercars #adelaidesupercarspotters #exoticcar #luxurycar #luxury #australiancars #supercar #supercarsdaily700 #amazingcars #amazingcars247 #thecarhotel #supercargarage #supercarlifestyle #LorbekLuxuryCars #LORBEK

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Lorbek Luxury Cars (@lorbekluxurycars),

Bentley Continental GT

Cadillac Escalade

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Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Cadillac Escalade (@cadillac.escalade),

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