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Brutálna tenisová premena. Z týranej bacuľky je sexy kosť

Písal sa rok 1999, keď mladá, iba 16-ročná Srbka s austrálskym pasom, urobila dieru do sveta. Kvalifikantka Jelena Dokičová totiž zdolala v 1. kole Wimbledonu svetovú jednotku, Martinu Hingisovú. Suverénne – 6:2, 6:0.

07.01.2020 14:04
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Weight loss transformation!!! Well here it is,53 kilos lost in 18 months and 31 kilos lost in 12 months with the help of @jennycraigausnz . Well it’s been quite a journey for me in the last 18 months.I have been very open about my weight struggles and I have decided to go thru this whole process very publicly. It wasn’t always easy but nothing worth doing ever is and the first step was the hardest.I had my bad days as well where I didn’t believe getting fitter and healthier was possible and that’s normal. I am so happy to say that now 18 months later I am 53 kilos lighter and even more importantly I have lost 31 kilos in the last 12 months.Those last 30 kilos where the toughest to lose and I never would have been able to do that if it wasn’t for @jennycraigausnz . The whole team at @jennycraigausnz have been incredibly supportive and with me every step of the way.Their program is easy to follow,the food is delicious and the support and advice that you get is absolutely incredible. I have gone from not having any confidence at all and hiding in the house and not wanting to go outside,to really enjoying life. I am looking forward to what’s ahead and I look forward to new challenges both in life and my health and fitness as I feel like I can accomplish anything now. I want to continue to lead a healthy and balanced lifestyle and still continue to get fitter and healthier. I hope this will help many of you no matter what your goals are.I hope that my journey to get healthier will inspire and motivate you all and give you the courage and confidence no matter what you want to accomplish in life. You can do it,go for it. Thank you @jennycraigausnz ,you have changed my life. ‍♀️‍♀️ #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #weightlossmotivation #motivation #inspiration #journey #transformation #health #healthy #healthylifestyle #lifestyle #fitness #inspo #fitspo #jennycraig #jennycraigausnz #jennycraigjourney #australia #melbourne #sydney #fitnessmotivation #healthyliving #healthyeating #fitnessjourney #progress #fitlife #healthylife #empowerment #instafit

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Jelena Dokic (@dokic_jelena),

V ďalšom priebehu kariéry síce dosiahla pár pozoruhodných výsledkov, ale očakávania odborníkov, že raz z nej bude absolútna hviezda, nástupkyňa Moniky Selešovej, nenaplnila.

Po osemnástich rokoch musela sympatická blondínka s medzierkou medzi hryzákmi zvádzať ďalší veľký boj. Na opačnej strane siete však tentoraz nestála žiadna hviezda, ale jej vlastná slabosť. Dokičová ešte nedávno vážila neuveriteľných 120 kilogramov.

Príbeh tenistky, ktorej kariéra pamätá vzostupy aj pády, predčasný koniec, ale aj pokus o návrat, pred dvomi rokmi rozpovedal britský denník The Daily Telegraph. Bývalá štvorka renkingu WTA sa priznala, že jeho zverejnenie je pre ňu oslobodzujúce.

„V čase, keď som aktívne hrala tenis, som vážila 60 kíl. Po kariére som však svoju váhu zdvojnásobila,“ priznala Dokičová

„Už žiadne sladené nápoje ani hamburgery. Mala som aj vážne problémy so štítnou žľazou. Deň čo deň som sa nafukovala a nedalo sa s tým nič urobiť. Trvalo to viac ako 12 mesiacov,“ posťažovala sa.

„Nemohla som robiť to, čo som chcela. Zrazu som nedokázala pobehnúť, vyskočiť, problém mi robili aj schody. Bolo to naozaj skľúčujúce,“ opísala svoje pocity.

Ručička na váhe sa zastavila na čísle 120, choroby spojené s nadváhou sa začali kopiť, vyšportované telo sa za rok zmenilo na nepoznanie. Najviac zo všetkého však trpela jej hlava. Stačilo!

„Povedala som si dosť. Bola som zvyknutá tvrdo trénovať, chudnutie mi tak spôsobovalo viac psychické, ako fyzické problémy. Za nadbytočnými kilami je oveľa viac, ako si mnohí myslia. Ukrýva sa tam malé sebavedomie bez štipky úcty k sebe samému,“ zamyslela sa Dokičová.

Dnes je Dokičová opäť ako za najlepších čias. Boj s prebytočnými kilogramami vyhrala a s novou postavou sa pochválila aj na sociálnej sieti.

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It’s been one of those tough weeks! No motivation,feeling very tired and drained especially mentally.I worked and trained a lot over the last two months and I have definitely hit a wall.But that’s ok. I am aware that it’s one of those tough weeks and I have accepted it,adapted and adjusted.I tweaked my training and work schedule as well as my mental,physical and emotional approach. Tough and bad days and weeks are going to happen.That’s normal and we can’t avoid that but it’s how we deal with those tough days and weeks that matters. I didn’t feel like doing anything at all the past week.No motivation for my training or work. I still got out of bed every day and did the best that I could under the circumstances. I didn’t feel fresh or strong this week in any area of my life but I pushed and that’s what you have to do sometimes.Try and find a way. You have to be determined and persevere in the toughest of situations. It’s not easy to find the motivation,it doesn’t just show up everyday but it will come.Determination and perseverance is getting it done even though you don’t have the motivation.Stay strong and push thru sometimes and you will find that you can do more than you thought and that you are stronger than you thought.You have to get out of your comfort zone and that goes for anything you do in life. We are a lot stronger than we think we are. It also makes you feel very powerful and confident to sometimes prove to yourself that you can do things that you thought you couldn’t. I definitely feel like a winner this week because I pushed and found a way when I thought I couldn’t but I was also aware that it wasn’t my best week. So I hope I have given you all a little bit of motivation but also know that it’s ok not to always feel great and motivated but it’s how we deal with it that matters and makes a difference. ❤️️‍♀️️‍♀️‍♂️‍♂️‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️ #motivation #motivational #inspiration #determination #perseverance #inspo #fitspo #fitspiration #fitness #fitnessmotivation #training #exercise #workout #push #melbourne #fitnesslifestyle #health #lifestyle #healthy #healthyliving #pushyourself #winner #instafit #strong #goals #goodvibes #fit #workoutmotivation

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Jelena Dokic (@dokic_jelena),

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